Terms and conditions

  • Applicability 

By using the  Services (defined below) brought to you by Liberty Clinic ( “we” or “us”), you agree to the applicability of these terms of use (“Terms”). We note that these Terms may be changed over time. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon the posting of the modified Terms. You are advised to regularly read the Terms for possible changes.

  • Privacy

1. For more information on how Liberty Clinic manages personal data, please refer to the Privacy Policy at Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time and we encourage you to check back regularly for updates to the same.

Also, as part of our commitment, we welcome all your feedback through our Contact Us form of any of the policies and conditions listed below.


Liberty Clinics is an online app that provides convenient access with certified psychotherapists, psychiatrists and nutritionists. 

Liberty Clinc, we provide convenient, confidential, high-quality online psychotherapy in different specialties for adults, couples & children.


Our services include text, images, graphics or any other content created by us or third parties including our therapists.

Third Party Content

The platform may contain other content, products or services which are offered or provided by third parties (“Third Party Content”), links to Third Party Content (including but not limited to links to other websites) or advertisements which are related to Third Party Content. We have no responsibility for the creation of any such Third Party Content, including (but not limited to) any related products, practices, terms or policies, and we will not be liable for any damage or loss caused by any Third Party Content.


You can visit the website without exposing your identity  or revealing any information by which someone could identify you as a specific, identifiable individual. If, however you wish to use our  services, you will be asked to sign up and provide certain personal Information.

The information you provide must be correct and integral to be able to receive all forms of communication regarding your account.

Information collected under these circumstances will include but not be limited to:

1. User name or nickname of your choice
2. Email address
3. Password
4. Gender
5. Date of Birth


By Signing up to Liberty Clinc, you will be asked to create a password for your account. You agree, confirm and acknowledge that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and any other security information related to your account (collectively “Account Access”). We advise you to change your password frequently and to take extra care in safeguarding your password.

Account Deactivation

Your account can be deactivated upon your request by visiting Contact us or sending email on reception@liberty-clinic.com or at the discretion of Liberty Clinc or any of our affiliates for failure to meet these terms and conditions.

Account Security

You are responsible for safeguarding the password that you use to access the services and you agree not to disclose your password to any third party. You are responsible for any activity using your account, whether or not you authorized that activity. You should immediately notify Liberty Clinc of any unauthorized use of your account. You acknowledge that if you wish to protect your transmission of data or files to Liberty Clinic, it is your responsibility to use a secure encrypted connection to communicate with the services.

Conditions of Registration   

To access and use this site you must be at least 18 years of age (according to the Gregorian calendar) and with a full legal capacity. Anyone less than 18 years (according to the Gregorian calendar) needs to obtain the consent of his parents or guardians to use this site, and that by sending the e-mail address of the parents or guardian so that we can address them for their approval, hence, parents or guardians have to monitor their children’s activities and be responsible for the actions of their children as long as they are under the age of 18 years (according to the Gregorian calendar). In case we have been informed or we found with our own methods that the user’s age is under the legal age to create an account on this site, we will temporary halt the account till we get parental consent, and parents e-mail address will be demanded from the user, that according to the requirements of the law protecting children’s privacy online at any of the sites that are directed to children. If you doubt that your child takes part in any activities that collect personal information, and you did not receive any e-mails to notify you or request for your acceptance, please do not hesitate to communicate with us via e-mail.

By using this site, you recognize and warrant that you have the legal right and the ability to use the service in accordance with the law of your country or the country you exist in. For guided but not limited; the minimum legal age to use the service is 18 years for the Arab Republic of Egypt as well as Arab.

Using this site is at your own risk, and you agree not to post, raise, write, distribute, store, find or publish in any way, or cause to be published on this site either directly or indirectly through other sites any of the followings:

  1. Doing anything that would impacts on the operation or security of this site or causes illogical inconvenience or disables any of the other users or our staff.
  2. Transfer your account (including page or application you run) to any person without obtaining prior written permission from us that allows it.
  3. Applying any reverse engineering, reverse collect, dismantling, or any other activities that would hack the issuers or other formulas or computational processors code of the software used in the infrastructure and the processes relating to this site.
  4. ‘Violate other users’ privacy, or collecting any data and information about other users without their explicit consent, manually or by using any software or mechanism (spider) or infiltrating crawler or search the site or applying restoration, or uses of any devices or other mechanism to penetrate the web site and / or the platform and / or restore the index and / or data mining information operations.
  5. Provide personal or private information related to a third party, for example, but not limited to, family names, address, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and/or credit card numbers.
  6. Broadcast viruses, subversive data, or other files that cause damage, malfunction or sabotage.
  7. Provide any contents or links to contents that exposes us or other users to the harm or legal liability at any way. (According to our sole judgment)
  8. Provide unlawful, libel, slander, or offensive contents to any religious or moral group. Contents with hardcore, pornography, obscene, indecent, or contains overtones, harassment, threats, violation of privacy and publishing rights, violent, sexy, sensitivities, fraudulent or unacceptable in any form.
  9. Provide content constitutes, or encourages, or provides instructions for a foul crime, or breach the rights of any party, or cause in any way in legal liability or violate any local laws.
  10. Content causes inconvenience or harass to others.
  11. Provide contents that are not owned by you personally without a legal permission from the legally owner of that contents.
  12. Provide a content that impersonates any real or legal person or causes in any way in a false claim of dependency to that real or legal person, including us.
  13. Provides undesirable promotional materials, political campaigns, ads, contests, raffles, or offers.

We do not assume any responsibility or acknowledge for any content published, uploaded, fostered, distributed, stored, or created by users, in any way on this site directly or through other web sites.

We do not take any responsibility for any content published, stored or uploaded in groups or interactive page (social pages) by you or by any third party, or for any loss or damage resulting from it, as we do not take responsibility for any errors, vilify, contempt, defamation, omissions, lies, pornography, or insults that may come across during your use of interactive page (social pages). Also, we do not take any responsibility for any statements, representations or content provided by users in any public interactive page (social pages). And users must inform us immediately to take the necessary procedures according to our discretion.

If there is an emerging complaint about content that a user has published or causes to be published, submitted, broadcasted, distributed, stored, or created, on this site directly or through the website of third parties, you agree to direct your complaint against the user only and not against us.

Considering capacity limitations of the servers and devices and the multiple use by many people at the same time, you are responsible not to use this site in any way that leads to sabotage or exceed the capacity of the server hardware of our network or any networks connected to any of our servers. As for example to do any act that would impose unreasonably disproportionate large load on the available infrastructure or bandwidth this site.


We respect all the rights of the patient where he deserves the best possible psychological, according to all internationally accepted medical standards and considering the provisions of Law No. 71 for the year 2009 set out in Egypt on psychological patient care. 

In compliance with the responsibilities prescribed by law and which cannot be excluded, we and all of our managers, employees, agents, or contractors, do not take any responsibility towards you as a result of any losses, damages, responsibilities, claims, and costs (including without restriction and without limitation legal costs and fees defense or settlement costs) in any form or manner whatsoever either directly, or indirectly, or as a result of, arising out of or due to the access to this site by you because of your reliance on the information provided through the platform or specialists or content, or other websites, or services of others, in any form, whether in contract, or damage (including negligence), law, or otherwise. We are not responsible for any damage caused by any of the professionals (psychiatrists, specialists or psychiatrists) regardless of if we have learned firsthand or been briefed our representative commissioner the potential for loss or damage. 

We are committed to actively seeking to provide this site with all forms of logical care. Except mutatis by law, we assume the responsibility for the quality, accuracy and appropriate specific purpose of the service. We do not offer any grantees that the material contained in this site or any of the functions contained in or any of the server hardware will work without interruption or delay or will be without errors, free of viruses or bugs or work combatable with any other program or other material.

Refund Policy

One-on-One Therapy Sessions:

  1. No refund if cancellation or rescheduling is less than 6 hours before the session.

  2. 50% refund if cancellation or rescheduling is between 6-24 hours before the session.

  3. 100% refund if cancellation or rescheduling is more than 24 hours before the session.


  • Intellectual Property

1. The copyright, patents, trademarks, registered designs and all intellectual property rights in the Services, the Website and all Content shall vest in and remain with Liberty Clinic and its licensors.

You acknowledge that Liberty Clinic and/or third-party content providers remain the owners of such material and that you do not acquire any of those ownership rights by downloading copyrighted material.

Liberty Clinic reserves the right to revoke this authorization at any time, and any use shall be discontinued immediately on written notice from Liberty Clinic.

2. The trademarks, logos and service marks (“Marks”) displayed on this Website are the property of Liberty Clinic and other third parties, and all rights to the Marks are expressly reserved by Liberty Clinic and relevant third parties. You are not permitted to use the name of Liberty Clinic or any Marks, including in any advertising or publicity or as a hyperlink, without the prior written consent of Liberty Clinic or such third party.

3. The domain name on which the Website is hosted on is the sole property of Liberty Clinic and you may not use or otherwise adopt a similar name for your own use.

4. In no event shall Liberty Clinic be liable to you for any damages, losses, expenses, liabilities under any causes of action (whether in contract or tort including, but not limited to negligence, or otherwise) caused through the use of, or the inability to use, the Services, the Website, the Content or any other website or device. 

5. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, in no event shall Liberty Clinic be liable for any loss of profits or anticipated earnings or savings, loss of goodwill, loss of use, business interruption, increased cost of working and wasted efforts or expenditure, consequential, indirect, or special damages and all associated legal costs, arising out of and/ or in connection with the your use of and/ or your inability to use, the Services, Website or Content, or any other website or device. 

6. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Liberty Clinic  harmless from and against any and all losses, costs, charges, expenses, damages, claims and liabilities paid, incurred or suffered by us arising out of or in connection with the use of this Website and Services and/or your breach of any of these Terms.

  • Disclaimers & Limitations

1. While we make every effort to ensure that the Website, Services and all Content is accurate and complete, we provide the Website, Services and Content on an ‘as is’, ‘as available’ basis only without warranties of any kind either express or implied. 

2. All conditions, representations, and warranties, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise including or otherwise, including, without limitation, any limitation, any implied warranty or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, compliance with description, or the warranty of non-infringement of third party rights, are hereby disclaimed to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

 3. Without limiting the foregoing, Liberty Clinic does not warrant that the functions contained in or access to the Website, Services, Content or other content will be timely, accurate, uninterrupted, error-free, or without omission, or that the Website, Services, or Content are free of viruses or other harmful components, or that the download, installation or use of the any Content in or with any device will not affect the functionality or performance of the device.

4. You agree that: i. access to or the operation of the Website and/or the Services may from time to time be interrupted or encounter technical or other problems and may not necessarily continue uninterrupted or without technical or other errors; and ii. the Website and Services may be subject to limitations, delays, and other problems inherently and in any such event, Liberty Clinic shall not be liable for any loss, liability or damage, which may be incurred as a result.

  • Suspension and termination

 You agree that Liberty Clinic has the right in its sole and absolute discretion and without prior notice or liability to: 

i. restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website or Services; and/or  

ii. terminate, deactivate or suspend your Account, delete your Account and all related information and files in your Account, without assigning any reason.

  • General

1. The invalidity or unenforceability for any reason of any of these Terms shall not prejudice or affect the validity or unenforceability of the remaining parts and each part of Terms is distinct and at all times severable from the rest of these Terms.

2. Nothing in these Terms shall be construed to create a relationship of employer and employee, partnership and/ or agency between the Liberty Clinic and you. 

3. Any indulgence on the part of Liberty Clinic in respect of any breach of any of the Terms by you shall not constitute a waiver in respect of any such breach or any subsequent breach whether of the nature of otherwise. 

4. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with The Egyptian law and you hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Egypt

Acceptance of these terms

You acknowledge that you have read this agreement and agree to all its terms and conditions. By using the website or its services you agree to be bound by this agreement. If you do not agree to abide by the terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to use or access the website and its services

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