Welcome to Liberty Clinic

Open Hours

Monday to Sunday

From 10:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m

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Psychiatry , Clinical Nutrition and Psychology services

All your healthcare needs

Search and book Clinic visit or online consultation.

Verified patient reviews

Doctor ratings are from patients who booked and visited the doctor through Liberty Clinic.

Your booking is confirmed

Your booking is automatically confirmed, as the doctor specifies his working hours and is notified of the booking details.

Book and pay online

The consultation fees stated on Liberty Clinic are the actual doctor’s fees with no extra charges. (Visa, Master Card, cash in the Clinic)

We practice a multidisciplinary team approach delivering a comprehensive wellness approach to people struggling with their mental state and physical appearance.

Do I need therapy ?

To answer this question there are two dimensions to consider:


Book, pay & Access the service online of in clinic visit.

Our Elderly, their farers, Adults, Adolescents & children have the right to have a good quality of life


Peer supervision is a cornerstone at Liberty Clinic where therapists exchange their experiences and develop personally and as therapists, trilingual expert Psychiatrist, therapist & Nutritionist exchanging their experience & developing the best plan for you. 


We assembled and developed a team of very capable psychiatrists, psychologists and nutrition to administer this multidisciplinary approach, aiming good quality of life

Experience is tailored to you, through comprehensive therapeutic plans & clinical Assessments.

We’re Here Whenever You Need Us


012 34 50 97 33

0102 08 02 24 20

Open Hours

Monday to Sunday

From 10:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m


14 (A) Sherif St. – 6th floor


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